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RP202 X Table

Total Price: Please call for price (718) 459 0504

Colors: Special Order, Brown/Walnut, Grey/Silver
Materials: Solid Wood, Special Order Materials
Item Description

RePlay is a furniture program that combines design and functionality. Its main characteristic is its volumes and combinations of finishes, and from the most avant-garde trends, it offers us a very complete range of modules that allows you to furnish your entire home.

The table is always the center of all the best moments with your family, this
accompanied by a careful design make your dining room an exceptional place.

This extended table has two measures
180 or 220 cm. for the 140 cm.
and 200 or 240 cm. for the 160 cm.

Piedra Mate / Roble Carbón
Largo 160 cm. (200 / 240 ext.)
Alto 75 cm. Fondo 90 cm.

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