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Colors: White, Special Order
Materials: Special Order Materials
Finishes: Special Order Finish
Item Description
MILA Bedroom

Nogal Nature / Blanco Brillo

MILA Headboard
INGLETE Bedframe
SECRET Bedside table

Thank you for review.

Available Items   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Dimensions

28516 Headboard MILA QS

(MSRP) $1,951

28516 Headboard MILA KS

(MSRP) $2,277

6876 Bedframe INGLETE QS

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $739

6876 Bedframe INGLETE KS

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $856

56163 Bedside table SECRET 1 drawer 63 cms

(MSRP) $392

56563 Module SECRET 5 drawers 120 cms

(MSRP) $1,281

4527 Mirror "L"

(MSRP) $326

28516 Headboard MILA QS

(MSRP) $1,951
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

28516 Headboard MILA KS

(MSRP) $2,277
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

6876 Bedframe INGLETE QS

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $739
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

6876 Bedframe INGLETE KS

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $856
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

56163 Bedside table SECRET 1 drawer 63 cms

(MSRP) $392
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

56563 Module SECRET 5 drawers 120 cms

(MSRP) $1,281
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

4527 Mirror "L"

(MSRP) $326
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:
Inventory is updated on 02/17/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call for more updated information
Total price: $5,081